Home > Business > Hosted Pbx
Hosted PBX (Private Branch Exchange) is a great example of how the digital era has transformed the way businessescommunicate. Remember the clunky stationary phones that tied you to your office desk? Andhow it took a customer service call to dispatch a technician every time someone moved into adifferent office?Thankfully, cloud-based internet phone systems, which make hosted PBX systems possible, arechanging all that.Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone systems offer many advantages over their landlinecounterparts. Today’s employees expect their communications tools to work seamlesslywherever they’re working–in the corporate office, at home, or on the road. Workforcemobility is essential for survival. Hosted PBX provides both small and enterprise-levelcompanies a platform that is cost-effective, easy to set up, and can easily scale as yourcompany grows. This guide will explain what a hosted PBX phone system is, how it works, howit can help your business, and how to switch from a traditional PBX system to a hosted PBX.

1. What is hosted PBX?

Hosted PBX is a cloud-based, remote-operated business phone service. It is sometimes referredto as unified communications as a service, or UCaaS for short. Traditional PBX systemsrequire businesses to own and maintain their phone system through a call controller orserver. Hosted PBX systems deliver business phone solutions through their internetconnection to the cloud. The cloud connectivity makes it possible to manage and maintain thehosted PBX phone system virtually.While hosted private branch exchange (PBX) systems are tailored for businesses rather than home phone use, hosted PBXsystems are similar to the home phone systems that internet providers have offered foryears. They both provide communication through VoIP delivery. But hosted PBX systems offeradditional benefits that most individual residents don’t need.Hosted PBX DiagramHosted PBX Diagram

2. How does hosted PBX work?

Unlike traditional PBX systems, which transfer a signal by landline, hosted PBX phone systemscarry the user’s call signal across the internet digitally on their VoIP-connected device inreal-time. There is no noticeable delay. Here’s how it works:
  • Your business connects to your PBX host.
  • Users can make calls from their VoIP business phone, computer, or mobilephone.
  • The VoIP device converts an analog voice input into digital packets to forman audio signal.
  • The PBX system routes the call through the internet to the serviceprovider.
  • The audio signal is converted back to match the destination format so thatthe person on the other line can hear it.
  • The call is then delivered.
While it may sound technical at first, the call-processing mechanism is essentially the sameas it has been since the invention of the telephone. The main difference is that the hostedPBX call is delivered via the internet instead of over a copper phone line.

3. What’s the difference between traditional andhosted PBX?

We’ve just explained the technical details, but you’ll want to know the advantages of ahosted PBX system. Here are the tangible markers that separate traditional and hosted PBX.

Traditional PBX:

  • Requires on-site equipment and hardware that must be maintained in part by thebusiness.
  • Does not allow employees to connect on their mobile devices, restrictingworkforce mobility.
  • May not integrate with your other company software, like customer relationshipmanagement (CRM) tools.
  • Costs more than hosted PBX.

Hosted PBX:

  • Eliminates the need for on-site equipment or maintenance, freeing up space,time, and resources.
  • Automatically updates to the most current software versions available, savingthe hassle and cost of continually chasing upgrades.
  • Empowers employees by enabling them to work outside the office and stillconnect to a single phone system.
  • Delivers superior signal quality for your business and customers.
  • Merges with existing company software like CRM, giving your staff immediateaccess to customer information, thereby improving customer service.
  • Is less expensive than traditional PBX systems.

4. How can hosted PBX help your business?

Even a general overview clearly demonstrates how hosted PBX is better suited to your businessthan traditional PBX systems, but let’s take a more in-depth look at what you can expect to get from yourhosted phone system.

Features and benefits

Remote resolution

Neither budding small businesses nor enterprise-level organizations have time to worry aboutmanaging their phone system — which is exactly why the unified communication as a service(UCaaS) industry exists. By switching to a hosted PBX system, your business can enjoy themost up-to-date software without any installation on your end and can eliminate the time,spatial, and financial drains of bulky equipment and ongoing maintenance.

Workforce mobilization

Whether they’re on-the-go sales members, mobile warehouse managers, or a customer-supportstaff member who works remotely, modern-day employees are no longer restricted to theoffice. As the trend toward a remote working environment continues, enabling your team towork on the move may prove an essential part of your company’s growth. Hosted PBX allowssales members to take calls from anywhere instead of having to call customers back and risklosing clients, and it can send calls to supply managers on both their desktop and mobiledevices to ensure messages are delivered. Increased mobility makes for happy employees andmore satisfied customers.

Platform consolidation

Traditional PBX requires multiple communication platforms to keep all departments connected,which can sap corporate efficiency. Choosing among the various video conferencing tools,messaging systems for desktop communication, and email can be a headache, not to mentionexpensive. With hosted PBX systems, you can stay in touch with your team with statusupdates, video conferencing, audio conferencing, voicemails, emails, or team text messaging, allfrom a singleplatform. With all your communication channels in one place, you’ll be able to keep everyoneon point.

Improved reliability

VoIP phone systems not only deliver a unified communications platform, but they also reducethe risk of dropped calls. Ooma’s hosted PBX systems boast multiple redundancies and routeto seven datacenters worldwide(San Jose, Chicago, Vancouver, Toronto, London, Tokyo, and Melbourne), ensuring your callsare dependable no matter where they are made. As a result, your signal reliability won’t behindered by high internet traffic or susceptible to local outages and disturbances. Everycall counts in today’s business world. Catch them all to maximize your profits.

CRM integration

Whether you’re using Salesforce, Zendesk, or some other software, chances are you’re alreadyusing at least one hub to manage your customer data. Traditional PBX functions as its ownentity, neither providing nor receiving feedback from CRM resources. This means customersupport staff must spend valuable time tracking down information, like phone numbers andaccount records, before they can offer any help. Hosted PBX systems can be integrated into existing CRMsoftware, giving support representatives and sales members the data they need tosolve customers’ problems sooner and become more productive.

Improved customer support

Customers expect and deserve quality customer service. Traditional PBX offers customerslittle more than the frustrating option to leave a voicemail if the person they’re callingisn’t available. Hosted PBX systems deliver call center solutions gearedtoward improving customer satisfaction. Skills-based routing directs customers to the personwho is most likely to help them and increases first-call resolution rate. If callers getdisconnected and call back, intelligent reconnect can automatically transfer them back tothe person they were talking with or move them up to the top of the queue. Innovativesupport solutions like these will make customer experience an asset, rather than spark asocial media nightmare.
While this list is not exhaustive, it offers a solid overview of the values of a hosted PBX.

5. What is the future of hosted PBX?

Both the popularity and capabilities of hosted PBX systems are expected to soar along withtechnological advances. The 6-yearCompound Annual Growth Rate of hosted PBX platforms from 2018–2023 is forecasted tobe 14.9%, with a market share that is likely to increase. Here are a few reasons cloud-basedbusiness communication systems should penetrate the business phone market even further:
  • Asia-Pacific startups. As Asia-Pacific countries develop,new businesses will sprout up— and these startups won’t have the spare capital or spacefor traditional PBX phone systems. As a result, hosted PBX use is likely to spreadglobally, translating into greater market value and more data center ubiquity — andimproved signal reliability will spread along with it.
  • Market segmentation. Hosted PBX is useful for any companyrelying on a business phone system, and the uses for the technology are as diverse asthe industries that employ it. Healthcare, technology, finance, and government are justa few examples. But any industry that depends on rapid response times and qualitycustomer service is a good candidate for hosted PBX systems.
  • Remote workforces. COVID-19 necessitated greater use ofremote work and that trend is likely to continue. Remote work can not only be offered asa benefit to today’s modern workforce, but an increasing number of companies are hiringemployees across multiple states — and even countries — and asking them to telecommute.To maintain organizational unity, employers will have to create a digital environmentthat feels enough like a workplace to keep everyone connected. If businesses are goingto go digital, hosted PBX will have to be part of the solution.
As much as these trends show the expected rise in hosted PBX usage, they only account forcurrent economic conditions. The digital transformations that could follow unexpectedtechnological breakthroughs make the technology even more exciting, leaving the onlyquestion left to be answered: “How does my company make the switch?”

6. How do you convince your company to move to ahosted PBX?

Proposing a switch in your business phone system to a C-suite executive can be daunting. Keepin mind that board members and executives think in terms of statistics and growth, so speaktheir language when pitching a transition from traditional PBX. Use this strategy to guide you through theprocess:

STEP 1: Planning

Before you approach your C-suite executives, do your research. Compare all the costs involvedin keeping your traditional PBX versus moving to a hosted PBX system. Gather feedback fromcustomer support and sales members that shows how your current phone system might be drivingclients away. Do customers complain about long hold times and difficulty connecting with theright person? Share this information with your execs, and they may jump on board faster thanyou expect.

STEP 2: Rehearsal

Aside from being a hassle, logistical speedbumps create downtime and cost valuable resources.Some SaaS products may result in delays and steep learning curves, but Ooma’s cloudcommunication customer support consultants can commit to your company’s successfultransition and ensure that implementation takes place without disrupting daily operations.Ooma provides an assigned guide — also known as a Success Hero. Ooma support includescall-testing to make your customer service team feels confident, and video call rehearsalsthat prevent embarrassing lag in front of your board. Your Support Hero will take everymeasure to make your hosted PBX system fully functional. After all, that’s what hosted PBXis all about.

STEP 3: Briefing

Keeping your board and team in the know about your transition is key. Informing staff ofupgrade timelines and software transitions is as simple as a brief for most smallbusinesses. Larger organizations can assign this role to their IT managers and call centersupervisors. No matter your company’s size, the transition to hosted PBX will be muchsmoother if everyone is on the same page.

STEP 4: System launch

Once all needs have been identified and the entire team is informed of the change, all that’sleft is to make the switch to your new hosted PBX system. Your Success Hero will take youfrom start to finish. Depending on your business, it may be less disruptive to youroperations if the launch is conducted on the weekend or at night.No matter what time of day you make the switch, the important thing is that every member ofyour team, from the top down, understands how hosted PBX will optimize your businessoperations. From a worry-free platform and a more mobile workforce to customer supportimprovement and CRM integration, hosted PBX delivers a low-cost, modern-day solution tobusiness communication. Ooma brings teams together and empowers each member so that you canspend time building your business. Contact our consultants today, and we’ll showyou what hosted PBX systems can do for your business.

Fluidly move between the office or the road using Ooma unified communicationssolutions.

Talk to an Ooma Enterprise unifiedcommunicationsexperttoday.

Call 866-467-6935

2021 Visionary Spotlight Awards Channel Vision Winner

Ooma received a 2021 Visionary Spotlight Award in the hosted PBX category from ChannelVision for our Continuous Voice technology.

Continuous Voice, a feature of Ooma Connect, provides a wireless internet backup for VoIP phone calls to improve audio quality and avoid dropped calls if your primary internet fails.

Business Phone Plans

All three Ooma Office plans begin with essential business phone features that empower you to connect seamlessly with customers and co-workers. If your business requires advanced communication features, get more with Ooma Office Pro and Ooma Office Pro Plus.

All Ooma plans come with:
check-markReal time customer support
check-markFast internet calling
check-markEasy phone management
Because you chose

You selected the EssentialsProPro Plus Plan.
Great Choice!

How many users
do you need?

Would you like to add phones to your order?

Remember, you can also make calls
with the desktop and mobile apps.


Let’s get going.
Maybe I’ll add phones later.

Select your phones

Ooma 2602 IP Phone Product Image

Ooma 2602

2-line phone with 5-way
voice conferencing.

Save: $60
Ooma 2603 IP Phone Product Image

Ooma 2603P

Features advanced HD audio, noise reduction, 5-way conferencing.

Save: $80
Ooma T34W Wifi IP Phone Product Image

Yealink T34W

Features high-performance Wi-Fi & HD audio, supports USB headsets, 5-way conferencing.

Ooma T31W Wifi IP Phone Product Image

Yealink T31W

Features flexible Wi-Fi comms with smart noise filter, 5-way conferencing.

Ooma 2670W Phone Product Image

Ooma 2670W

Features superior sound, multi-line, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 7-inch touchscreen, 12 lines.

Save: $50


Hardware: $0.00
One-time activation fee: $49.95
Due today (plus taxes) : $49.95
Your monthly fee, for users: $



Per User / Per Month
No Contract Necessary
  • Essentials includes:
  • 50+ Standard Features
  • Unlimited Calling in US, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico
  • Virtual Receptionist
  • Mobile App
  • 50+ Standard Features, and the features you’re interested in:
  • Also
Most Popular



Per User / Per Month
No Contract Necessary
  • Everything in Essentials
  • Desktop App
  • Text Messaging
    up to 250 per month Need more messages? Contact Sales for complementary quote. 877-353-5185
  • Videoconferencing
    (up to 25 participants)
  • Call Recording
  • Everything in Essentials, and the features you’re interested in:
  • Also
  • And More!
Best Value

Pro Plus


Per User / Per Month
No Contract Necessary
  • Everything in Pro
  • CRM Integration
  • Text Messaging
    up to 1000 per month Need more messages? Contact Sales for complementary quote. 877-353-5185
  • Videoconferencing
    (up to 100 participants)
  • Team Chat
  • Hot Desking
  • Call Queuing
  • Everything in Pro, and the features you’re interested in:
  • Also
  • And More!
Most Popular Best Value



Per User / Per Month
No Contract Necessary



Per User / Per Month
No Contract Necessary

Pro Plus


Per User / Per Month
No Contract Necessary
100+ Standard Features
Virtual receptionist
Ring groups
Music on hold
One Toll-free Number
Digital Fax
Mobile App
Email Audio Attachments
Desktop App
Call Recording
Enhanced Call Blocking
Voicemail transcription
Caller Info Match
Dynamic Caller ID
Google and Office 365 Integrations
Call Analytics
Call Queuing
Salesforce Integration
Hot Desking
Find Me, Follow Me


Call Management Features
  • Virtual Receptionist
  • Call Park
  • Desktop App (without calling)
  • Ring Groups
  • Music on Hold
  • Transfer Music
  • Extension Dialing
  • Extension Monitoring
  • Call Forwarding
  • Virtual Extensions
  • Voicemail
  • Call Transfer
  • Flexible Numbering
  • Company Directory
  • Call Logs
  • One Conference Bridge per User
  • Forward Calls During Device Outages
  • Virtual Fax
  • Distinctive Ringtones
  • 3-Way Calling
  • 7-Digit Dialing
  • Call Blocking
  • Intercom
  • Overhead Paging Support
  • Paging Groups
  • IP Phone Paging
  • Easy Installation
  • User Portal
  • Bulk User Import
  • Analog Fax Machine Support
Mobility Features
  • Mobile App (iOS and Android)
  • Simultaneous Ring
  • Voicemail-to-Email Audio File
  • Extension Dialing to App
  • Call Transfer from App
  • Call Flip
  • Virtual Fax
Calling Features
  • Unlimited Calling in U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico
  • Low international rates
  • 911 Service
  • FREE Number Transfer
  • One FREE toll-free number (includes 500 minutes of inbound calls per month)
  • Main Company Number
  • One Direct-dial Number per User


  • Text Messaging (up to 250 per month) Need more messages? Contact Sales for complementary quote. 877-353-5185
  • Everything in Essentials
  • Desktop App
  • Text Messaging
  • Videoconferencing (up to 25 participants)
  • Call Recording
  • Enhanced Call Blocking
  • Voicemail transcription
  • Caller Info Match
  • Dynamic Caller ID
  • 3-Digit Extensions
  • Microsoft Office 365 and Google Integration
  • Contact Us Website Widget
  • Analytics
  • Analytics User Leaderboard

Pro Plus

  • Everything in Pro
  • Advanced Text Messaging
  • Call Queues
  • CRM Integration
  • Videoconferencing (up to 100 participants)
  • Ooma Meetings Recording
  • Team Chat
  • Advanced Call Management
  • Hot Desking
  • Find Me, Follow Me
  • Shift-to-Text
  • Call Screening
  • Auto Dialer

What features are you interested in?




Per User / Per Month
No Contract Necessary
  • Essentials includes:
  • 50+ Standard Features
  • Unlimited Calling in US, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico
  • Virtual Receptionist
  • Mobile App
  • 50+ Standard Features, and the features you’re interested in:
  • Also
Most Popular



Per User / Per Month
No Contract Necessary
  • Everything in Essentials
  • Desktop App
  • Text Messaging
    up to 250 per month Need more messages? Contact Sales for complementary quote. 877-353-5185
  • Videoconferencing
    (up to 25 participants)
  • Call Recording
  • Everything in Essentials, and the features you’re interested in:
  • Also
  • And More!
Best Value

Pro Plus


Per User / Per Month
No Contract Necessary
  • Everything in Pro
  • CRM Integration
  • Text Messaging
    up to 1000 per month Need more messages? Contact Sales for complementary quote. 877-353-5185
  • Videoconferencing
    (up to 100 participants)
  • Team Chat
  • Hot Desking
  • Call Queuing
  • Everything in Pro, and the features you’re interested in:
  • Also
  • And More!
Most Popular Best Value



Per User / Per Month
No Contract Necessary



Per User / Per Month
No Contract Necessary

Pro Plus


Per User / Per Month
No Contract Necessary
100+ Standard Features
Virtual receptionist
Ring groups
Music on hold
One Toll-free Number
Digital Fax
Mobile App
Email Audio Attachments
Desktop App
Call Recording
Enhanced Call Blocking
Voicemail transcription
Caller Info Match
Dynamic Caller ID
Google and Office 365 Integrations
Call Analytics
Call Queuing
Salesforce Integration
Hot Desking
Find Me, Follow Me

Need help choosing a plan?

Contact sales or answer a few questions to find the plan that fits your needs.

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Thank you!

An Ooma Office Sales Representative will be in touch shortly.

If you’d like to chat with us right away, just give us a call or start an online chat!

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Let’s talk!

One of our knowledgeable representatives is standing by to provide recommendations and help you get started. Just call 877-621-0515 or click this CHAT button. Or, fill out this form and someone will reach out to you shortly.

By clicking below you expressly agree to and acknowledge the statements set forth in this
link. By submitting your contact information, you are giving express written consent to receive on your telephone, mobile or other electronic device auto-dialed, pre-recorded, artificial or other automated telemarketing calls or texts (SMS & MMS) from Ooma, its marketing partners, or third parties acting on Ooma’s behalf, even if your number is a on a corporate, state or federal Do Not Call (DNC) list. Carrier fees may apply. Consent is not a condition of purchase. It also indicates that you agree to Ooma’s Privacy Policy.
Fix error
Subscription Plans Ooma Office Essentials Ooma Office Pro Ooma Office Pro Plus
Price Per User /Per Month




Not sure which plan you need?
Call our team at 866-343-7929.
Key Calling Features
Unlimited Calling in U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico
Unlimited calls to mobile phones and landlines in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico.
Low International Rates
Minimal per-minute fee charged for outbound calls made to countries outside of the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico.
911 Service
Connects 911 calls to local responders, ensuring fast emergency response.
FREE Number Transfer
Transfer (port) your existing business phone number from your old phone company to Ooma.
One FREE Toll-Free Number
Enable callers to reach your business from anywhere in the U.S. without paying long-distance fees.
500 minutes of inbound calls per month 500 minutes of inbound calls per month 500 minutes of inbound calls per month
Main Company Number
Primary business phone number that can be set up with a new account, or ported from a previous service.
One Direct-Dial Number Per User
Unique phone number for each user that can be dialed directly.
Easy Installation
Deploy Ooma Office in about 15 minutes without technical expertise.
Administration and Support
User Management Portal
Each user has their own login to the End User Portal so they can manage extension preferences.
Multi-site Admin and Management
Whether your business has a single small presence or multiple locations across a city or state, Ooma Office can easily accommodate as many locations as necessary.
Bulk User Import
Add many users to system at one time using easy bulk importing.
24×7 Customer Support
Customer care agents are available 24x7x365 whenever you need assistance
Call Management Features
Virtual Receptionist
Greet and direct callers to the right employees or departments without picking up the phone. Answer questions like office directions and operating hours; play on hold music and promotional messages.
Virtual Receptionist with Unique Greetings, Menus and Actions
Analog Fax Machine Support
Analog fax machine support enables seamless faxing over traditional phone lines in VoIP systems.
Call Park
Place an active caller on hold in a user-defined “parking spot” so other team members can retrieve the call.
Call Park for Desktop App
Place active calls on hold in a user-defined parking spot, so they can be retrieved by other users.
Music On Hold
Play pre-recorded audio messages or music as callers are placed on hold.
Transfer Music
Engage callers with music while they wait for calls to be transferred.
Extension Dialing
Extension dialing options to meet the needs for your business.
Extension Monitoring
Monitor status of Ooma Office user extensions and perform a variety of actions with a single click.
Call Forwarding
When turned on, all incoming calls to an extension are temporarily redirected to a specified number.
Virtual Extensions
User extensions assigned to each user that will be making or receiving calls.
Every user extension comes with a private voicemail that is automatically set up when the extension is created.
Call Transfer
Transfer calls blindly, announce or explain the transfer, or directly transfer calls to an extension’s voice mail.
Company Directory
Digital phonebook listing employee names and extensions for easy call routing.
Call Logs
View history of all incoming and outgoing calls. Individual and admin views available.
One Conference Bridge per User
Virtual meeting space for multiple participants to join a single VoIP call, enabling real-time audio collaboration.
Forward Calls During Device Outages
Transfer calls to other active numbers or devices if outages occur.
Virtual Fax
Send and receive faxes from anywhere using digital technology instead of an analog fax machine.
Distinctive Ringtones
Unique ringtones that can be assigned to individual users or extensions for easy recognition.
3-Way Calling
Connect and communicate with two other people in a single call.
7-Digit Dialing
Call local numbers easily without entering the area code.
Call Blocking
Block specific phone numbers from reaching any extension, individually or in bulk.
Users dial an Ooma Office extension and have the receiving device pick up calls with its speakerphone, creating a two-way audio call.
Overhead Paging
Link existing overhead paging system to Ooma Office phones.
Paging Groups
Page specific departments such as sales, customer service, inventory, accounting and more.
IP Phone Paging
One-way voice announcement sent to multiple IP phones, allowing users to make public announcements or notifications over the phone system.
Flexible Numbering
Assign user extensions from 1000 to 9999.
3-Digit Extensions
Enables direct dialing to specific departments or staff using just 3 numbers.
Enhanced Call Blocking
Stop robocalls by screening incoming calls against more than 2M known spam numbers.
Voicemail Transcription
Every user extension comes with a private voicemail that is automatically set up when the extension is created.
Call Recording
On demand and always-on recording enables you to easily archive and retrieve phone conversations.
Dynamic Caller ID
Assign star codes to empower users to change their caller-ID name and number on the fly.
Hot Desking
Users log into any unassigned IP phone to make and receive calls just as they would from the phone assigned to their extension.
Find Me, Follow Me
Receive calls on multiple devices that ring at once or in sequence.
Shared Voicemail Boxes
Up to 10 voicemail boxes can be accessed and monitored by multiple users.
Call Screening
Ask callers to record their name as an extra layer of protection against phone spam.
Mobility Features
Desktop App for Windows
Convenient desktop app so employees can use the business phone system right from their Windows computer.
Yes (without calling)
Desktop App for Mac
Convenient desktop app so employees can use the business phone system right from their Mac computer.
Yes (without calling)
Desktop App for Google Chrome
Convenient desktop app so employees can use the business phone system right from their Google Chrome computer.
Yes (without calling)
Mobile App for iOS
Ooma Office application for IOS smartphones that provides access to VoIP service while away from your office phone.
Mobile App for Android
Ooma Office application for Android smartphones that provides access to VoIP service while away from your office phone.
Simultaneous Ring
Enable multiple phones to ring in unison, providing flexibility to answer calls from any device or location.
Voicemail-to-Email Audio Files
Voicemail can be sent directly to a user’s email for easy, on-the-go listening with an attached audio file.
Extension Dialing to App
Send calls from extensions to mobile app.
Call Transfer from App
Transfer mobile calls to an extension, voicemail or personal phone number.
Call Flip
Seamlessly transfer an active call between devices without interruption.
Virtual Fax
Send and receive faxes from anywhere using digital technology instead of an analog fax machine.
Team Collaboration
Conference Calling
Participate in conference calls from anywhere at any time by dialing into a conference bridge from a desk phone, mobile phone, or from the Ooma Office Desktop App.
Up to 10 participants Up to 25 participants Up to 100 participants
Intuitive video meetings platform that enables teams to collaborate from wherever, whenever
Up to 25 participants Up to 100 participants
Microsoft Office 365 Calendar Integration
Connect Ooma Meetings accounts with Microsoft calendars to have all meetings listed in one view.
Google Calendar Integration
Connect Ooma Meetings to Google calendar accounts to see all meetings listed in one view
Simultaneous Screen Sharing
Ooma Meetings empowers two or more people to share screens simultaneously.
Videoconferencing Recording
Record meetings to access or download later.
Online Whiteboarding
Enables users to draw, present and export ideas to transform ordinary video meetings into faster, more fluid collaboration.
Team Chat
Communicate and collaborate with colleagues in real time.
Team Presence
Gain insights into employee availability statuses (online, offline, on a call and busy) in real-time.
Text Messaging
Text Messaging
Send and receive text messages from smartphones, tablets, desktops or laptops.
250 messages per month 1,000 messages per month
Bulk SMS Packages
Purchase additional SMS messages in bulk at discounted prices.
Call us at 866-343-7929 for Quote Call us at 866-343-7929 for Quote
Scheduled Messages
Compose and schedule text messages to be sent at any date and time.
Messaging Templates
Store text messages for easy reuse in the future.
One-to-Many Messaging
Send the same text message to a group of recipients individually without having to retype each message.
Customer Engagement
Ring Groups
Send incoming calls to specific groups like sales, customer support, accounts receivable and more.
Caller Info Match
Identifies detailed caller background info from CRM, social media, and search engines for inbound and outbound calls.
Contact Us Website Widget
Enables visitors to your website to communicate with your company using an easy contact form.
Call Queuing
Deliver incoming calls to the next ready queue member in the order calls are received. If a call is not answered, the call is routed to the next available representative.
Online Bookings
Share available calendar slots, schedule meetings, send confirmations and reminders, and update time slots from integrated calendars.
Empower mobile callers to easily serve themselves when they call your business.
Auto Dialer
Seamlessly dial phone numbers so sales and accounts receivable employees spend less time dialing and more time speaking with customers and prospects.
Boost customer experience and employee productivity by integrating Salesforce CRM with Ooma Office.
Microsoft Dynamics
Drive employee, sales and customer support initiatives by integrating your Microsoft Dynamics 365 with Ooma Office.
Enhance your Zoho CRM experience with powerful cloud communications capabilities.
Grow customer relationships with pre-built Ooma Office integration.
Cloud communications that help dental providers enhance patient loyalty.
Helps law offices deliver a better client experience and capture every billable moment.
Sell more insurance policies while enhancing the client experience.
Pair powerful telephony tools with robust CRM capabilities to streamline workflows, improve productivity and deliver an exceptional customer service.
Ooma Office seamlessly integrates with Square to enable businesses to better manage communications and transactions from one platform.
Cloud communications that drive growth for general contracting and home service businesses.
QuickBooks Online
Improve communications, streamline operations and deliver a superior employee and customer experience.
Call Analytics
Visualize calling metrics to aid in gauging productivity and improvement opportunities.
Call Leaderboards
Visualize phone line usage across the company to assess individual and company performance.
Message Analytics
See messaging trends to better understand productivity and improvement opportunities.
Fax Analytics
Visualize key metrics associated with incoming and outgoing faxes.