Ooma Business Blog

The top 5 best alternatives to DSL for small business owners. - blog post image

The top 5 best alternatives to DSL for small business owners.

October 1, 2020

Finding alternatives to DSL in rural areas can be difficult as a small business owner. Dial-up internet does not offer the connection speeds you need to serve customers today. DSL connections, while widely available, are not attractive for some people because they are slower than other options on the market.
Unprecedented need for quality and value in business VoIP, Internet, and Wi-Fi. - blog post image

Unprecedented need for quality and value in business VoIP, Internet, and Wi-Fi.

August 27, 2020

In 2020, our professional communications needs changed dramatically. Many people are working from home, stores and restaurants have migrated to a much greater percentage of online and phone orders, and workspaces are being reconfigured to comply with new recommendations.
The essential guide to rural internet providers. - blog post image

The essential guide to rural internet providers.

August 17, 2020

Years ago, rural businesses only had one choice for internet access: dial-up. That’s changed. There are now multiple broadband internet access options to small businesses in rural areas. To guide you through the options, here are some of the most popular ones that provide the speed you need to browse the web, make calls and serve your customers.